Här kan du streama Closer to God: SF Anytime – Telia Filmbutiken |
Dr. Victor Reed, en av den genetiska forskningens mest lysande stjärna, har precis lyckats åstadkomma det ultimata genom att klona en människa. En bedårande liten flickbebis vid namn Elizabeth. Men detta väcker inte bara beundran, utan även en debattstorm kring moral och religion. Snart är Dr Reed och hans familj överhopade av protestanter och media, till den punkt att deras säkerhet hotas. Men det största hotet för dem alla har Dr Reed hållt hemligt. Experimenten började inte med Elizabeth.
I have always loved Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and I wanted to create my own interpretation of it – take the themes and reinvent them with a modern reality that we might actually face in our lifetime. What interested me most about the Frankenstein narrative was the doctor’s compulsion and blind ambition. To me, Frankenstein was about a man with a great mind who had amazing talent and skill, who saw an idea and said, “I can realize that,” and then gets swept up into that single-minded task. Only after the goal is achieved does he wake up and see the consequences, and only then is he able to see what he has done through a new frame. So I set out to make a film not about the discovery and creation of the idea, but instead open with the idea already being achieved. We watch the main character wake up into a new reality as he realizes the consequences – good and bad – of what he has created.
”A Frankenstein story… precisely calibrated, skin crawling momentum” – Indiewire
”Gothic thrills and ends with a climatic burst of old-fashioned horror” – Screen Daily
“The results, in Senese’s capable hands, are tense, telling and haunting. Check this one out.” – The Los Angeles Times
“A stellar performance from Jeremy Childs.” – Dread Central
“Gut-punch cinema, done harrowingly right” – Fangoria